
Interested in visiting a service at Parkview?

This is what we ask, check out our service schedule and see which one you can attend.  As you come worship with us at Parkview, resist the urge to ask yourself: "How God can best serve me here?". 

Instead ask yourself this question: "Is this a place where I can be consistently connected with God, His people, and His word?"
If you feel the answer to that question is yes: Do not be afraid to contact the pastor, or a deacon, and ask them what the plans are, what the immediate needs are, and where you can best serve God here with us. 

If you'd like to register for church wide communications click ---->here <---- This isn't limited to members, anyone who wants to stay up to date can create an account.  Make sure you include all contact information so we can use email, letter, text if we send out communications (happy birthdays, prayer requests, event updates) ! 


We live stream from Youtube and Facebook every Sunday morning.  Just click the below to go directly to YouTube and check us out!

If you'd like to view a video of a worship service or bible study directly from our Facebook click --> here <-- to be taken to the page.

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